jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Youthpass, learning to learn

Hey shells!! How is it going!?

I'm back with more Youthpass. The good news is that we are near the end. The bad one is that next week I'm going to my mid-training in Nottingham, so I will write more posts about this. I'm sorry but this things happen. You have to think that this is our last month!

We can start with the next competence: learning to learn. It sounds like a tongue-twister but maybe if I explain myself better you will see that it make sense. If you read the Youthpass website (again, I know), learning to learn is about your learning process during your project, how it was, if that new knowledge will be useful in my future. That kind of things. Let's go to the questions.

What does learning mean to me in general? What are my experiences so far?

 I've been studing all my life until now and I don't think it's going to change (and I don't know if I want to). Maye it's because I want to find a job because of my skills and right now I don't feel like I can. I'm feeling useless and I want to try to improve to find a good job. And if that day arrives (because, you know, I'm Spanish and all...) who knows what will happend. Anyway, my experience so far has been more or less good. I mean, my knowledge is because of good teachers that I don't remember. But I can tell you exactly the names of the teachers that made me loose my time. And that is unforgivable.

What are/were my learning goals within my EVS project? How did they change (if at all)? How will/did I reach them?

My first goal was to learn English and I know that I could have done that somewhere else and not in a EVS. But I found a project about my degree and I thought that it would be the perfect moment to do it. And it was the best decision ever! Once I arrived here, my goals changed and I was more interested in media. My English is much better than the first day but now I know much more things about record and edit video, so I think I reached my goals!

How do I want to learn? How did I learn?
At this point of my life, I don't want to learn studing. I want to learn and that's all. I want to learn living. No more text books for me (although I wouldn't mind study Filosophy). I've learned with a book in my hand all my life and it doesn't work anymore. I need one step more!

Which activities in the EVS project motivated me most in my learning?
Everything related to media. Cameras, edition, production, sound...

Where did my skills and knowledge improve?
Especially, my skills. Althoug if you want to improve your skill, you need the knowledge first. So, technically, I improved both. I don't know. I improved both. ¿Or what? ¿Can I say this? Both is good.

Which methods do I want to/ did I use to evaluate what I learned?
Methods? Things go well or wrong. I don't have any method. If the TV Show goes well is because we have done it well. If you can see and listen to the video properly it's because my work is good.

Which learning style do I prefer: learning by doing, by reading and thinking, by observing? How did I experience new ways of learning due to limited communication?
Learning doing things is always better (wink). But I don't think I've learned something in a different way because of limite communication. I'm a good oberver, you know...

How did I explore different ways of learning compared to learning in school and university?
Is it me or all questions are the same one but written different? Sooooooooo, you know, more practice and... Yeah. I think I've said this before... 

Why is this learning importante for the next stages in my life?
I think learning is important in general, to know something more will make things easier.

How did I use what I learned?
I'm Spanish, I don't really know if I will be able to use it in the future.

How did I deal with challenges in my learning process? How do I motivate myself to deal with obstacles and continue learning?
This question is too deep for me. I don't know mate. I try to solve my problems searching in Google (bless you, Google) because Google knows everything. I don't need motivation, I just need to finish everything I start, And if I can do it perfect, better.

Definitely, I've learned a lot. A LOT. Congratulations, your money was worthy. Although I think I will have to write a longer paragraph for my Youthpass... Damn it...

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